Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mar 27-Apr 1: Perth

I finally made my way to Perth. This will be the last big city I see for about a month. My first night here, I met a fellow named Billy who was staying two campsites over from me. Billy, a former fisherman had slightly more teeth than fingers, thick glasses and had constructed what he called "the Taj Mahal" - a veritable tarp palace - where he had been staying for a couple of months. Recent storms through Perth have caused an estimated $300 million dollars. The Taj Mahal was unaffected. We had a beer and some laughs, as he told me all about the places I should be visiting over the next few months.

Later I got a chance to meet the Impeys - friends of friends from back home. I was nice to hear some Canadian accents, and to get to know some new friends.

I'll be somewhat less accessible over the next few weeks, as I make my way through and into the bush up towards Darwin. This is the part of the trip I've been looking forward to most, snorkelling off the Ningaloo reef and diving with Whale sharks. I'll post something as soon as I'm able.


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