Sunday, March 14, 2010

Feb 17: Does anyone else love Fruit Bats?

Picked up the truck and went to the open air cinema. Upon picking up the truck Steve let me know that he had fixed everything he could find.... there was an outside chance there was still a little bit of oil leaking, and if I had a chance I should come back in a couple of days just so they could have a peak and make sure it was ok. I drove it away, hoping I wouldn't have to see them again.

The open air cinema is sort of like a cross between a drive-in, a tourist walk, and going to see a show. You watch a movie (in this case Sherlock Holmes) over the bay, with the downtown showcasing the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour bridge in the backdrop just as the sun finishes setting. The only drawback is the bats. There is a colony of some 40,000 fruit bats, with bodies the size of cats, and wingspans that must be 3 or 4 feet across. They are everywhere - and they occasionally swoop in front of the screen, or wiggle trees above, raining seeds and pods down on unsuspecting victims below. Contrary to most of the other movie patrons... I love the bats. Note to self, plan a day to get a better look at these guys.


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